History of Abdullah Quilliam society

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This section contains both testimonies from clients that MEDS has helped over the past three years, and from support agencies and individuals who have watched MEDS' progress since its inception.

The 'little mosque'
For years, council employees at Brougham Terrace, Liverpool, referred to the strong room at the back of the building as the 'little mosque', but no one knew why.

Hajj - journey to the heart of Islam, British Museum
An exhibition of profound cultural importance has just opened at the British Museum. It is not devoted to the thing beautiful, though it enlists many such things to illustrate its purpose; instead, it examines a spiritual exercise that is central to the religious observance and beliefs of myriads of people, nations, tribes, kingdoms and commonwealths encircling the world.

If you're thinking about becoming a person like Abdullah Quilliam was influential in spreading the knowledge of his religion in the United Kingdom and converts reached through his writings and he founded charities.


History of Abdullah Quilliam society

  • History of Abdullah Quilliam society News

    . In the long-term, companies that do not reflect these visions and values will not survive. Every aspect of a business' operations can be viewed from the perspective.... read more


  • History of Abdullah Quilliam society 2015

    Business in the Environment inspires business to work towards environmentally sustainable aviation development

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  • History of Abdullah Quilliam society

    The legacy of Victorian England's first Islamic convert

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